Thursday, June 23, 2016

Researching Raptors

Aeryn wants to learn more about raptors and their commercial applications.  The best time to search will be once that the CAMEROON comes out of jumpspace and synchronizes its data packet with Terra (Expert resolution@18). The cached version is only high resolution @14.


She is not versed in academic research (Research-9), but her Biology(garden worlds)-11 certainly can support. Furthermore, the ship's onboard AI can provide a +1 as well. This gives her a Research-11. She rolls a 5, a margin of success of +6: an unusual level of detail is revealed.

  • The raptors encountered are NOT real raptors, but hybrids of Terran ancient genes and Prometheus reptiles. Their size altered using gene editing to make them more prized game. Aeryn has a Bioengineering book on the topic, actually.
  • Raptor products are LC4 such as meat, skin and bones. Regulated usage on Terra and Prometheus.
  • Raptor germ material (eggs, clone cultures, genomes) is LC3. Restricted to research under strict ethical guidelines.
  • Live raptors are LC2. Banned under most jurisdictions. (Terra and Prometheus are CR4, but Brethrow seems to be a more relaxed CR3).
  • Aeryn has the contact information of 4 leading research groups in Terran universities on raptor engineering. 
    • Breton-Lewis group at the Museum of Natural History, London, Terra. 
    • Qi group at Xerces University, Mars.
    • Inagaki group, University of Tsukuba.
    • Shurmed group, Nusku Institute of Natural History.
  • Aeryn knows that there is a market for raptor products on Terra in Asian markets. She has a list of restaurants that allegedly serve such products. 
    • Mainly institution in mainland China, Japan and Vancouver, Canada.
  • Aeryn knows that Promethean authority would shutdown a raptor farm if they knew about it, and would prosecute if said farm was located on the main continent. 
    • One such farm was dismantled in the lowland near the north pole a few years ago.
  • Aeryn knows that raptor hunt and bait rescue hunts are very lucrative. Raptor hunting may be legal in Brethrow, but certainly not bait rescue hunts. A week probably bring in ~200K to the operators. 
  • Aeryn knows about another eminent scientist in Saurien behavioural sciences, and has a list of recent graduates from her group.
    • Prof. Dean Harrow-Smith, MNH (London), currently on sabbatical with the Qi group on Mars.

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